May 12, 2021

FTA: Weeks 7 - 8

Warning: this is a tragedy. Actually, more of a horror story - stop reading now if you were expecting a comedy. Also, stop reading if you do not want to see any gruesome pictures. I know no one cares, but sometimes you just want to complain about how unfair life is, even if no one is listening. 

Week 7

The bills keep coming. Also, still cannot really use the finger, but started keeping it uncovered more in hopes to get used to the sensation. Thicker skin started forming around the edge, but the top is still very fleshy and raw looking. The nail finally started growing out. I was afraid it was dead, since it turned some weird multi-color. I am hoping that if I keep it long enough, it will be visually covering up the fingertip and no one will notice my stump. The old skin is starting to slough off, especially when wet. Hopefully it does not result in any unintended deformities in the new shape. 

Week 8

Got really tired of not being able to touch my own face, so I finally stopped babying it on day 52 of the meatgrinder nightmare. Not that I can actually use it, but I think by now it knows what it’s doing. And I can more or less wash my hands properly and put some lotion on that crocodile skin. The nail is deformed and you can visibly tell the ridge where it stopped growing. The feeling in the fingertip is odd - nothing I've ever felt before obviously. It does hurt if I press on the top, so I still cannot use it for most tasks, like typing. I keep it slightly out of the way to avoid bumping into things, but it looks like I am flipping everyone off. The new skin is tight and pulls when I try to stretch my fingers. Hopefully, that improves once the top is covered with a proper layer of skin. 

Made a mistake of looking at the first few pics of this meatgrinder nightmare - that was more than slightly horrifying. How did I make it through all that alone? Should knowing how fucking strong you are give you renewed will to live, or should it frighten you because you are obviously not fit for society?

Continue reading:

Start from the beginning - Fingertip Amputation: Did you know?

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