April 28, 2021

FTA: Weeks 5 - 6

 Warning: this is a tragedy. Actually, more of a horror story - stop reading now if you were expecting a comedy. Also, stop reading if you do not want to see any gruesome pictures. I know no one cares about my misfortunes, but sometimes you just want to complain about how unfair life is, even if no one is listening. 

My stump finally starting to look like it is getting cover with a thicker layer of skin that is extending up toward the top from around the edges. It does not constantly hurt anymore, but the nail feels like it is separating from the flesh underneath. So you don’t forget that things are not ok. The area around the wound still seems to be swollen and inflamed, but not super painful to touch. 

I am afraid to have the fingertip uncovered for long periods of time, because I keep inadvertently rubbing it against my clothes when walking, for example. I am also afraid to get it wet, because I worry that the newly grown tissue is too tender and weak and that it will be wiped away on a towel, when I dry my hands. So I am still covering the finger and then the entire hand with a plastic bag, when I am around water. Also, try to keep it covered when I go outside. Have been putting off most cleaning chores. Still cannot use the finger to type or push buttons. Every time I try it reminds me - life will never be normal again. 

Started to lift light weights. Practically back to my pre-FTA cardio. Driving is starting to get easier as well.

Still counting - day 40 of the meatgrinder nightmare, day 41 of the meatgrinder nightmare, day 42...  

Week 5

Week 6

Continue Reading: FTA Weeks 7 - 8

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