July 18, 2021

FTA: 4 Months Update

 Quick update on the state of my digit. It has been 4 months now and I am still not able to use my finger normally. At this point, I suspect I never will. 

July 15, 2021

Fingertip Amputation: Wound Care

 Chances are you ended up on this page because you had your own fingertip severed and you are unsure how to care for it. True, there are a lot of wound care articles and videos on the interwebs, but all of them depict a wound that is flat. How do you properly care for a wound that is cylinder-shaped? How do you clean it without causing more damage? How do you spread neosporin on top of it? How do you keep the bandages in place? In this post, I will tell you exactly how I did it.