July 18, 2021

FTA: 4 Months Update

 Quick update on the state of my digit. It has been 4 months now and I am still not able to use my finger normally. At this point, I suspect I never will. 

Still cannot type. Cannot pinch anything using my middle finger. Cannot push buttons. Cannot run my hand through my hair. Cannot leave my hand palm down on any surface for a long-ish time. Any direct contact with the top of the tip is still very painful. The sensitivity is still high - it is hard to get used to the weird feeling, so I have not. Still feeling mildly handicapped. I don’t know if I can say my life is a struggle, but typing definitely is. I try using my nail, but it is not very sturdy, although does compensate for some lost length. The thick and bumpy part of the nail still has not grown out yet. The little patch at the top of the finger is still not covered with a regular layer of skin. And the stump is constantly itching. 

It is starting to look like I will never be able to use my finger the way people normally do. I think it is because the bone is too close to the surface. Some flesh did grow out (maybe like 2-3 mm), but there is just not enough meat to cushion the pressure. For the most part, I can use it as part of the fist. I can grip things, I can touch soft surfaces, if there is no direct pressure required. For example, I consciously force myself to use my hand normally when I fold a blanket. But I suspect it is time to start coming up with some workarounds for the single-finger cases. 

The skin on the fingertip is not as tight as it was 2 months ago, but it still pulls especially at the nail, since there is no gap between the nail and flesh. I keep wanting to squish in the sides of the stump - they stick out too much to me. But if you don’t look too closely, you will probably never guess that it is missing a chunk. 

Do you want to know the whole story? FTA Day 0

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