September 4, 2013

The Wardrobe Wakeup

Turns out new fashion books come out all the time.  Found a new one at the library – “The Wardrobe Wakeup: Your Guide to Looking Fabulous at Any Age” by Lois Joy Johnson printed in China in March 2013.  I don’t know if a library book can get any newer than that. 

The book is targeted towards women in their 50s-60s to help them update their closets to fit their new lifestyles, roles, and jobs.  It opens with the phrase: “Clothes are a necessity, fashion is an option, and style is your choice”.  That caught my attention, because I believe style is not a choice, but a sixth sense – you either got it or you don’t.   However, the book may not be super beneficial to someone like me, who has her own opinions regarding style, it does contain tons of great advice.  It will be useful to many ladies, not just the ones who have gone through some major changes in life.
  • Top ten most comfortable items (pg. 119) – except that I only agree with like 3 of those.
  • Open necklines and a tighter fit around torso – makes everyone look taller and slimmer (pg 123).
  • Buy the best bag you can afford and don’t try to look richer, cooler, more successful, or fashionable with a faux, because you won’t (pg.125).
  • Reject any item of clothing that feels physically or psychologically uncomfortable (pg. 132).
  • Buy color in a dress or coat (pg. 142).  Yay! According to InStyle mag, bright-colored coats are “IT” for fall.
  • Style is what you are, not what you wear (pg. 161.
  • Fashion is an instant form of communication (pg. 164).
  • The goal is to sell yourself past your age, beyond your experience, and class-A resume (pg. 167).
  • Emergency Kit (pg. 207).  Who has room for that among all the junk that I am already lugging around in my handbag?
  • Junk jewelry is fun and should be. You need to hit people over the head with one major faux can’t-take-my-eyes-off-it necklace, earrings, or giant cocktail ring. (pg. 212)
  • Being responsible for your body pays off in health and fashion benefits (pg. 225).
  • Accessories don’t all need to match but a team that works together is smart strategy (pg. 266).

September 2, 2013

Working On My Fitness

Like the song goes, I workout.  A lot.  I love lifting weights.  I love to challenge my muscles.  I love to feel my body.  And yes, I love to see the results too.  Thus, I am always looking for new exercises to try.  Gotta keep the booty tight!

According to Women's Health these are the best ones:

1. ABS: Mountain climber with hands on swiss ball
2. GLUTES: Hip raises
3. QUADS: Offset dumbbell lunge
4. HAMSTRINGS: Single leg dumbbell straight leg deadlift
5. CALVES: Single leg donkey calf raise
6. CHEST: Single arm dumbbell bench press
7. SHOULDERS: Scaption and shrug
8. TRICEPS: Swiss ball lying triceps extensions
9. BICEPS: Split stance dumbbell curl
10. FOREARMS: Plate pinch curl
11. UPPER BACK: Swiss ball L raise
12. LATS: Band-assisted chinup
13. LOWER BACK: McGill curlup

But the truth is - the best really are the ones you are not doing.  So when I don't have time, when I don't feel like going through a full workout, when... (fill in with any of the million excuses there are for not working out), my philosophy is "even a little is better than nothing".  Just do it!

September 1, 2013

RANDOM TIP: The Girl Code

I love E. Jean.  Almost as much as I love Judge Judy.  Brilliant. 
  • Never stay silent when a friend is falling for an asshole.
  • Never favorite a best friend’s bon mot. Always retweet it.
  • Never trust a girlfriend who dates a married man.
  • Never refuse to write a recommendation for the offspring of a friend (no matter how big an idiot the kid is).
  • Never steal your friend’s thunder at a dinner party—when she’s on, give her room! Pound the table! Bang your glass with a spoon! Laugh the loudest at her story!
  • Never give your friend’s business four stars on Yelp. Always give five.
  • Never agree when a friend says she’s flabby, baggy, saggy, lumpy, floppy, veiny, squishy, scrawny, etc., etc. Tell her to shut up. Tell her life is too short. Tell her to eat, drink, and be merry. And finally…
  • Never treat other women disrespectfully: It gives men ideas.

Ladies, let's come up with a few more.